Apple, Nike, and the Intricacies of Branding on Your Brain

Discover the intricate world of branding and consumer psychology as Professor Americus Reed II and neuroscientist Michael Platt unveil the profound impact of powerful marketing on our brains. Explore how brands like Apple and Nike forge deep connections, influencing not only our preferences but even the way our brains respond to positive and negative news. Dive into the neuroscience behind consumer choices and learn how these brands become ingrained in our identities, shaping our behaviours and sparking an unyielding loyalty that goes beyond mere purchases.


super interesting!! :scream:


Oh wow

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Its amazing, how much thought goes behind marketing now a days, big companies spend millions and millions in research to find ways to get you hooked on their products.

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definitely! its all the psychology behind how people can be hooked into it too!

this is so so cool

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