Considering a Placement as an Event Management Student? Here's What You Need to Know!


  1. Hands-On Experience: A placement offers invaluable hands-on experience in the field of event management. You’ll have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, gaining practical skills that will enhance your employability.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Working in a professional environment allows you to network with industry professionals, potential employers, and fellow colleagues. Building strong connections during your placement can open doors to future job opportunities and collaborations.
  3. Skill Development: Placements provide an excellent platform for skill development. From project management and problem-solving to communication and teamwork, you’ll have the chance to hone a wide range of transferable skills that are highly sought after by employers.
  4. Industry Insights: By immersing yourself in a placement, you’ll gain valuable insights into the inner workings of the event management industry. This firsthand experience will deepen your understanding of industry trends, challenges, and best practices.
  5. Resume Boost: Completing a placement adds significant value to your resume/CV. It demonstrates to potential employers that you have practical experience in the field, making you a more attractive candidate for entry-level positions upon graduation.


  1. Financial Considerations: While placements offer valuable experience, they are often unpaid or offer low remuneration. This can be a financial challenge for students who need to support themselves during their placement period.
  2. Time Commitment: Placements typically require a significant time commitment, which can sometimes interfere with academic studies or personal commitments. Balancing work responsibilities with coursework and other obligations may require careful time management.
  3. Limited Options: Depending on location and availability, students may find limited options for placement opportunities in their desired area of interest. Securing a placement that aligns closely with your career goals may require persistence and flexibility.
  4. Potential for Unfulfilling Roles: Not all placement experiences may meet your expectations. Some students may find themselves in roles that offer limited opportunities for growth or meaningful contributions to projects.
  5. Delay in Graduation: For some students, completing a placement may extend the duration of their degree program, resulting in a delay in graduation. This could impact future plans or career timelines.

I think these benefits definitely overpower the disadvantages :grin: Plus, placements are always fun, and you’ll get to understand if you could handle the stress of working in the events industry​:sweat_smile:


Have you personally gone through an event management placement, and if so, how did it impact your career path? Or if you’re considering one, which aspect (pro or con) weighs more in your decision-making process? Curious to hear your thoughts!


it definitely helped me in getting the job im in now