Effective utilisation of resources for dental students

  1. Library Resources: Take advantage of the resources available in your university library, including textbooks, journals, and online databases such as PubMed and Cochrane Library. These resources provide comprehensive information on dental theory, practice, and research.

  2. Online Learning Platforms: Explore online learning platforms like Dentistry Masterclasses, Dentaljuce, and Dental Nurse Network, which offer a variety of educational materials, tutorials, and case studies relevant to dental students. Many of these platforms also provide interactive quizzes and forums for discussion.

  3. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with clinical practice guidelines published by organizations such as the General Dental Council (GDC) and the British Dental Association (BDA). These guidelines outline best practices in various areas of dentistry and can serve as valuable references during clinical training and practice.

  4. Simulated Patient Encounters: Participate actively in simulated patient encounters and clinical skills workshops offered by your dental school. These sessions allow you to practice clinical procedures in a controlled environment under the guidance of experienced faculty members.

  5. Clinical Placements: Make the most of your clinical placements by actively engaging with patients, observing experienced practitioners, and seeking feedback on your performance. Clinical placements provide invaluable hands-on experience and help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

  6. Peer Collaboration: Collaborate with your peers through study groups, online forums, and peer mentoring programs. Sharing knowledge, experiences, and study resources can enhance your understanding of complex topics and foster a supportive learning community.

  7. Evidence-Based Practice: Develop skills in evidence-based practice by critically appraising research literature and incorporating the best available evidence into clinical decision-making. Attend journal clubs, research seminars, and workshops focused on evidence-based dentistry.

  8. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Start engaging in CPD activities early in your dental career to stay updated on advancements in dentistry, maintain professional competence, and fulfill GDC requirements for registration and revalidation.