Epidemiology Terms You Should Know!


  • The number of new cases of a disease in a population over a specific period of time.


  • The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific point in time or over a specified period.


  • The occurrence of cases of a particular disease in a population, geographic area, or community that is greater than what is normally expected.


  • The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a geographic area or population.


  • An epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, affecting a large number of people.


  • The ability of a test to correctly identify individuals with the disease or condition (true positive rate).


  • The ability of a test to correctly identify individuals without the disease or condition (true negative rate).

Case-Control Study:

  • An observational study where individuals with a specific condition (cases) are compared to individuals without the condition (controls) to identify factors associated with the disease.

Cohort Study:

  • An observational study in which a group of individuals with a common characteristic (cohort) is followed over time to determine the incidence of a particular disease.

Herd Immunity:

  • The indirect protection from infectious diseases that occurs when a large percentage of a population becomes immune, either through vaccination or previous infection, reducing the spread of the disease.