Exploring the Enigma of Geosmin and its Impact on Microbial-Animal Interactions

In this podcast episode, Jesse Noir explores the intriguing world of geosmin, a chemical responsible for the recognisable smell of soil or earth. The podcast delves into the mystery surrounding the evolutionary benefits of geosmin production by bacteria and the varying sensitivities of different animal species to this scent. The study discussed in the podcast investigates the impact of geosmin on tiny bacteria-eating roundworms, revealing that the chemical influences their movement and behaviour. While geosmin sometimes deters the worms from colonies of geosmin-producing bacteria, its addition to different bacteria colonies has no effect, suggesting that other factors play a role in this complex interaction.


Wow, that sounds like a fascinating podcast episode! I’ve always been intrigued by the subtle scents of nature, and geosmin’s role in creating that earthy aroma is truly fascinating. It’s incredible to think about how such a seemingly simple chemical can have such profound effects on the behavior of organisms, like the bacteria-eating roundworms discussed in the study.

I’m curious, have you ever noticed the smell of geosmin in the air after a rainfall, and if so, how does it make you feel or what thoughts does it evoke? Additionally, what other examples of nature’s subtle interactions do you find most intriguing or surprising?

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OMG, totally! The smell after rain is like nature’s own perfume, right? It gives me this cozy, fresh vibe that just lifts my mood. Geosmin is like the earth’s signature scent, and it kinda makes me feel connected to the world around me, you know? :rofl: Besides that, I love with how fireflies light up summer nights - it’s magical! What about you?

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love it tooo

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Wow, I never knew there was so much to learn about the smell of soil! This podcast episode sounds fascinating. It’s amazing how something as simple as a scent can have such intricate effects on organisms :sweat_smile: