Exploring the Psychology of Fashion: How What We Wear Shapes Us

Ever wondered why certain outfits make you feel unstoppable, while others leave you feeling a bit off? Well, enter Dion Terrelonge, aka “the fashion psychologist,” who’s diving deep into the fascinating world of how our clothing choices impact our mood, self-expression, and overall wellbeing.

:shopping: The Rise of Preloved Fashion:
As we navigate through a world of rising costs and growing eco-consciousness, preloved fashion is stepping into the spotlight. Once considered niche, the secondhand market is now making waves, projected to claim 10% of global sales. With platforms like eBay waiving fees for preloved sellers, it’s clear that the tide is turning towards more sustainable and stylish choices.

:star2: Meet Dion Terrelonge:
Dion isn’t just your average fashion enthusiast; she’s a psychologist, stylist, researcher, lecturer, and media commentator all rolled into one. Fascinated by sustainability and the impact of fast fashion on both the environment and our sense of self, she’s teaming up with the London College of Fashion to unravel the intricate link between mood, clothing practices, and wellbeing.

:sparkling_heart: The Emotional Connection to Clothing:
For Dion, every piece of clothing tells a story. From vintage scarves that beckon with French châteaus to chunky secondhand loafers that evoke nostalgic school days, her wardrobe is a treasure trove of memories and emotions. Quality is key, with each item carefully chosen for its craftsmanship and longevity, reflecting Dion’s childhood spent shopping secondhand with her mom.

:thinking: The Psychology Behind Our Wardrobe Choices:
As Dion puts it, clothing isn’t just about looking good—it’s about feeling good too. Our outfits serve as an outer expression of our inner selves, shaping how we navigate the world around us. By embracing slow fashion and taking the time to curate a wardrobe that truly resonates with us, we can cultivate a sense of authenticity and alignment that boosts our overall wellbeing.

:seedling: Embracing Slow, Secondhand Fashion:
In a world where fast fashion often prioritises quantity over quality, Dion advocates for a more mindful approach to shopping. By slowing down and savouring each piece, we give ourselves the opportunity to form meaningful connections with our clothing, resulting in a wardrobe that not only looks good but also feels good. Plus, there’s an added bonus of that “smug” feeling knowing we’re making eco-friendly choices!

So, next time you’re pondering what to wear, remember that your outfit isn’t just about making a fashion statement—it’s about expressing your unique story and nurturing your wellbeing along the way. Let’s embrace the power of slow fashion and make every outfit a reflection of our true selves!

:white_small_square: What’s your go-to preloved fashion find that brings you joy?

full article:


My outfits usually go from overly business and formal ones to something roadmen would wear😂 But tbh, a pair of comfortable grey sweatpants can make me very happy after a day of wearing a proper office outfit haha

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I love this topic! It’s so interesting how our clothing choices can affect our mood and wellbeing. Dion Terrelonge sounds amazing—I’d love to learn more about her work. The emotional connection to clothing is something I’ve definitely felt before, like when I wear a piece that has sentimental value or reminds me of a special memory.

As for my go-to preloved fashion find, I have this vintage denim jacket that I found at a thrift store a couple of years ago. It’s got these funky patches on it that give it so much personality, and every time I wear it, I feel like I’m adding a little piece of history to my outfit. Plus, knowing that I’m contributing to sustainability by shopping secondhand gives me that extra boost of joy! What about you?

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I’m glad you’re intrigued by the topic! Dion Terrelonge’s work indeed sheds light on fascinating aspects of how clothing influences our emotions and well-being. Your vintage denim jacket sounds like a gem, carrying both style and a story with its funky patches. It’s wonderful how secondhand finds not only add character to our wardrobe but also contribute to sustainability. As for me, I have a cherished scarf passed down through generations, each knot holding memories of family gatherings and special moments.

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sweatpants can be very stylish if you style them correctly :grin:


Amen to that! And so, so comfortable🫠