Feeling overwhelmed?

With exam and assignment season in full mode its easy to get anxious or overwhelmed here are some tips that might help you navigate through this times.

  1. Take Emotional Time Out and Learn to Say ‘No’:
  • Pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and give yourself a break to clear your mind.
  • Understand that feeling overwhelmed may hinder your productivity, so taking time to reset is beneficial.
  • Learn to say ‘no’ when you feel your plate is getting too full. It’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being.
  1. Breathe, Mindfulness, or Meditation:
  • Allocate time for mindfulness or meditation, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. It can provide clarity and relief.
  • Utilize mindfulness apps like Headspace, especially if you are new to the practice.
  1. Write Lists:
  • Break down overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable ones.
  • Create to-do lists or priority lists, estimating the time required for each task to avoid overwhelming yourself with unrealistic expectations.
  1. Go for a Walk:
  • Take a break and go for a walk, either alone or with someone. Nature and fresh air can help clear your mind.
  • Talking over your concerns during a walk can provide a different perspective and alleviate stress.
  1. Do Something Completely Different:
  • Embrace a brief period of procrastination by engaging in a different activity.
  • Shifting your focus for a few hours can bring a fresh perspective when you return to the overwhelming task.
  1. Talk to Others:
  • Share your feelings with friends, family, colleagues, or a therapist.
  • Talking about your challenges can provide emotional support and offer different perspectives, helping to alleviate overwhelm.

During the exam period, many students find themselves overwhelmed. Especially, when it’s their last year and now we all need to think about graduate jobs, accommodation, and furute in general. Great and essential tips for anyone’s well-being👏


When I was working on my dissertation, i went on evening walks with my best friend everyday – sometimes a change of scenery can do wonders

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Solid advice! Exam and assignment stress can be overwhelming, but these tips are golden. Love the reminder that it’s okay to say ‘no’ and seek support. Good luck to everyone doing exams/assignments!!! :hugs: