Finding a job after graduation

Studying at university implies that immediately after graduation you will easily find a job within the framework of your chosen specialty. However, finding a job after university, especially after studying literature or languages, may seem impossible at first. Especially if you have no experience in this field.

So, how can you get a job after university in such conditions? After all, you have enough knowledge, just no experience. Unfortunately, the employer will rather invite someone who is devoid of ambition, but has long been familiar with the work they’re being hired to do.

And what’s left for students if they don’t get a job after graduation? That’s right: part-time job or freelance. And doesn’t it feel discourageing knowing, that you spent money and time on completing all the tests and term papers, just to not get the job in your field?

Life after graduation: how can a graduate get a job?

When applying for university, it is worth monitoring which university is beneficial to study at for the field you’reinterested in. The fact is, that many universities use their connections to help graduates find employment in their specialty.

It also doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on the companies. Large organizations are often interested in hiring young professionals. Such employees are, honestly, cheaper than experienced ones. At the same time, as a bonus, the company hires a person who’s young, and has enthusiasm and desire to learn. Even with a smaller salary for your work, it is worth going for such jobs, at least in order to gain experience in your field.

We listen to the advice of experienced specialists.

Do not neglect the opinions of HR managers! You can find a lot of information on the company websites, where HR outlines what qualities they’re looking for in future employees. On YouTube, there’s a lot of videos filmed by HR departments, that share tips and tricks on how to nail the job interview or help your CV to stand out.

Plus, if you manage to get a job offer but salary seems too low, do not rush to refuse. Often, a small salary is accompanied by career opportunities. And this is much more important for you at the moment.

Basically, do not forget to take a responsible approach to preparing for interviews as well. Find out details about the company’s achievements beforehand. And at the meeting, try to demonstrate all your advantages. Let the employer know that you are interested in working for them, even though you have no experience in this field.

So, how can a young university graduate without work experience find a job?

Few people know that financial crisis (like the one that we’recurrently experiencing) is an ideal time to find a job for a young specialist who still has absolutely no experience.

Basically, employers are often willing to compensate for an employee’s lack of knowledge with a small salary. They cannot keep experienced and highly paid employees. And here your task is to offer yourself to such employers in all your glory. Convince them that you will do the same job, but for much less money (at first).

The crisis will end sooner or later, and by that time you will have gained experience and skills that will become the basis for asking for a raise.

If there is no jobs available in the field you’reinterested at?

It also happens that even if you agree to any job conditions, you cannot find a job in your specialty.

What should be done in this case:

  • Try and raise all old connections, if you once worked part-time in any company that you’d like to return to.
  • Look for a job as an assistant or part-time assistant. Try to find one in your field, but even if you can’t, it would still be a great way to add some experience to your CV.
  • Get a job as a courier, loader, consultant, waiter, but still continue to look for a job, send out resumes, go to interviews. Employers appreciate you spending time doing a job, than seeing that you’ve spent all this free time not doing anything.

Do not try to get a job at the first place you come across, however, be careful with your ambitions as well. It’s good when you know your worth. But graduates often make the same mistake: they try to find a job with a salary in the market that corresponds to a higher experience.

Remember: a high salary is the result of hard work, gained experience and constant work on your professional development. And while you do not have this, it is quite natural that you will receive less for the same job than a more experienced colleague.

Useful tips for recent or future graduates

And here are some useful tips that will help you stand out!

  • Make your resume so that it differs from your competitors. Describe your advantages, which, in your opinion, others do not have. Knowledge of foreign languages (the more the better), excellent knowledge of office software and technology, etc. will add a positive light to your resume.
  • Even in the last year of university start self-education. Take courses that are not provided by the university program. Let it be ordinary cooking courses or car driving courses – these data will help to form an opinion about you as a purposeful and capable young specialist. If possible, take an internship while studying at those companies that are well-known in your field of interest.
  • Self–confidence is the key to getting a job. Calmness, self-control and confidence will let the employer know that you are not just ready to get this job, but also to reach certain heights in this field. During the probation period, show yourself as hardworking, responsible and executive.

Great tips!

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