Going into bioinformatics with a computer science degree

Bioinformatics is the applications of computational techniques in the field of biology. While there is a heavy amount of biological knowledge required for masters, PhDs and positions in the bioinformatics field, it is still a good field for computer scientists to venture into.

A strong background in computer science will be valued. Many bioinformaticians tend to have a background in biology or related, they usually develop computer science skills particularly to go into bioinformatics. Through a strong background in computer science, you would have in depth knowledge of not just how to apply and use various technologies, but also how they function. This in depth understanding allows you to advance the usage of technology in your company.

To add on to advancing the usage of technology, you would also be able to optimise code written by others. Usually, data science and big data processing techniques are frequently used, including EDA (exploratory data analysis) where vast amounts of data are processed. This can be demanding, and may not be suited for regular desktops. This can present to you an opportunity to write optimised code, lowering time and spatial complexity. It also presents the opportunity to employ dedicated, distributed systems for such tasks, such as MapReduce or Apache Spark.

Working directly in the bioinformatics domain along side biologists allows you to better understand their requirements for IT systems. By talking directly to them, you’d be able to apply their perspectives and experience in order to build a comprehensive, user friendly system suited for them. This would eliminate potential issues by using off the shelf current market solutions.

Furthermore, you could also become a point of contact for other bioinformaticians who have a biology background. You would be creating a position of trust where your direct skills and experience in computer science would be appreciated.

Overall, there are a range of reasons why bioinformatics is a suitable career for computer science students. It provides you with good experience and lets you develop your own biology knowledge.