Haiti is on the brink of crisis

The Prime minister is unable to return to the country as gang violence descends into chaos, allowing gangs to consolidate their grip on the country

Over the weekend, the violence in the capital Port-au-Prince ramped up once again. Heavily armed gangs attacked the National Palace and set part of the Interior Ministry on fire with petrol bombs.

It comes after a sustained attack on the international airport, which remains closed to all flights - including one carrying Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

He tried to fly back to Haiti from the United States last week, but his plane was refused permission to land. He was then turned away from the neighbouring Dominican Republic too.

Mr Henry is now stuck in Puerto Rico, unable to set foot in the nation he ostensibly leads.

U.S and European nations respond

Among those who did manage to get into the stricken Caribbean nation, though, was a group of US military personnel

Following a request from the US State Department, the Pentagon confirmed it had carried out an operation to, as it put it, “augment the security” of the US embassy in Port-au-Prince and airlift all non-essential staff to safety.

Soon after, the EU said it had evacuated all of its diplomats, fleeing a nation mired in violence and facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake.

Millions of Haitians, however, simply don’t have that luxury. They’re trapped, no matter how bad things get.

The situation is dire at the State University of Haiti Hospital, known as the general hospital, in downtown Port-au-Prince. There is no sign of any medical staff at all.

What is happening on the ground ?

“There are no doctors, they all fled last week,” said Philippe a patient who didn’t want to give his real name.

“We can’t go outside. We hear the explosions and gunfire. So, we must have courage and stay here, we can’t go anywhere.”

With no prime minister and a government in disarray, the gangs’ power over the capital is near absolute.

They control more than 80% of Port-au-Prince and the country’s most notorious gang leader, Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier has again told the prime minister to resign.

“If Ariel Henry doesn’t step down and the international community continues to support him,” he said last week, “they will lead us directly to a civil war which will end in genocide”

The sad reality for many Haitians

Nevertheless, even in the face of the total collapse of law and order, people must still venture out to make a living.

At a nearby market, several street hawkers told the BBC they had no other option but to leave their homes, even with gunmen roaming the streets.

“I have three kids, and I’m all they have - I’m their mother and their father,” said Jocelyn, a market trader who also didn’t want to give her real name.

“So, I’m obliged to take to the streets. Yesterday gunmen came here and stole all our money. A lot of vendors lost all their money. But there’s no way to stay at home when you have three mouths to feed.”

“The anxiety is killing me when I’m in the street,” echoed an older woman selling fruit. “I keep thinking what if I get shot dead? Who will take care of my children then? I have no family to support me.”

To the west, in one of Haiti’s nearest neighbours, Jamaica, the dignitaries, diplomats and heads of state of the Caricom regional group are gathering for an emergency summit.

What are the U.S and Caricom calling for ?

Caricom is the confederation of Carribean states, many are calling for peace and calm as fears grow it may spread outside of its borders. This is especially worrying for Dominican Republic who share their border with Haiti on the Island of Hispaniola.

The instability in Haiti is a problem for the entire Caribbean community, and for Washington too. The idea of a nation of some 11 million people being run by gangs is of huge concern, particularly the potential impact on outward migration during an election year in the US.

It’s clear Caricom favours seeing Mr Henry resign as soon as possible, from outside of the country if necessary.

The Biden administration in the US has publicly said the unelected prime minister - who had promised to hold an election in February - should return to Haiti, but only in order to stand down and begin a transition to a new government.

Privately, though, US diplomats are increasingly aware that it might now be impossible for him to return, and that even attempting to do so could further destabilise Haiti.

A UN-backed plan for a Kenyan-led rapid reaction force to tackle the gangs is still far from becoming a reality

4,000 inmates escaped from a prison in Port-Au-Prince the nations capital last week. worsening the issues the country is facing.

A prime minister unable to return, violent gangs in control of the capital and dead bodies piling up on the streets: Haiti is currently a nation about as close to a failed state as it’s possible to be.

The British Government are currently asking citizens to avoid all travel to the country.


This is sad, hope the situation is resolved soon.


Hopefully Kenya manages to solve their internal roadblocks to deploying their police to Haiti, which I feel is particularly necessary as there exists the possibility that Western powers deploying forces may be seen as imperialism


It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Haiti, and the struggles people are facing are unimaginable. Have you come across any organisations or initiatives providing support to those affected by the crisis?


Yes, this interesting article from when Haiti had the 2021 earthquake includes a number of organisations that are supporting people affected: 7 Ways You Can Help Haiti Right Now — Wherever You Are in the World (globalcitizen.org)


It’s heartbreaking to witness the escalating violence and chaos in Haiti, leaving citizens in a state of desperation. The inability of PM to return to his own country underscores the gravity of the situation :smiling_face_with_tear:

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This is upsetting, hopefully the situation gets better.