How to find a career you Genuily Love

Here Ali Abdaal give you tips on how to choose a career you genuinely love as well as some books and practices to get you thinking about your future.

  1. Task > job tittle when thinking about a future job
  2. Things you see yourself doing in the future
  3. What kind of lifestyle do you see living
  4. Investing time in your goals
  5. The right pathway after uni
  6. U-turns and life changes
  7. The grid-search engine

how would you describe “The grid-search engine” to someone whos never heard of it before?

Even though it would be in your best interest to find a career you’d enjoy as soon as possible, don’t get disheartened if you pick wrong or even struggle to pick in general. Although you may hear about people who know what they want to do with their life by the time they’re 20 y.o., there are many professionals out there who only found their dream career in their 30s and 40s! So take your time, and you’ll definitely find something that works for you :grin: