Ah, this time of mid-term exams, essays, and increasing desire to abandon your studies. Every student gets to experience these periods of complete lack of motivation. However, there a few things you could do to stay motivated and push through the most difficult periods of your studies!
- Set clear and realistic goals
Without goals, it is difficult to maintain motivation, because they give us direction and understanding of what we are striving for. Set clear and realistic goals for yourself to know exactly what you want to achieve. Break down large tasks into small ones and celebrate your achievements, even if they seem small.
- Do not forget about internal motivation
Internal motivation is what drives you from the inside, your desire to develop and improve. Remember why you started studying and what you are interested in. Turn to your inner beliefs to keep motivated in difficult moments.
- Create a supportive environment
Surround yourself with people who share your interests and values, and who support your learning efforts. Create a friendly atmosphere and mutual assistance in a class or among friends. Help each other, share knowledge and experiences to make studying more enjoyable and interesting.
- Track your progress
To keep motivated, regularly track your progress and celebrate your successes. Keep a study diary where you will record your achievements, topics covered and new knowledge. This way, you will be able to see your progress and feel more confident in your abilities.
- Learn from your mistakes
Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and it is important to learn not to give up because of them, but to use them as an opportunity for growth. When something doesn’t work out, think about what you can do differently, and apply this experience in future tasks. All mistakes are steps on the way to success if we learn from them.
- Look for new interests and connect them with your studies
To make studying more exciting, look for new interests and hobbies that may be related to your academic subjects. For example, if you are learning a foreign language, try watching movies and TV series in that language or engaging in online communication with native speakers. This will help you keep motivated and make your studies interesting.
- Be flexible and adapt to changes
Sometimes unexpected events and circumstances occur in life that can interfere with your studies. The main thing is not to panic and learn to adapt to new conditions. Be ready for changes, and they will not be able to undermine your motivation.
- Do not forget about your own health and well-being
Maintaining motivation is impossible without taking care of your own health and well-being. Sleep enough, eat right, engage in physical activity and take time to rest and relax. This way, you will feel better and will be able to save energy for studying.
- Ask yourself questions and stimulate your intelligence
Constantly ask yourself questions and look for answers to them. This will help to develop your critical thought and interest in studying. Also, don’t forget to read, listen to podcasts and watch video lectures to stimulate your intelligence and develop in different directions.
During my first year at university, staying motivated while having 3 long essays to write by the end of the month would always leave me miserable. But by surrounding myself with right people and celebrating small successes (like half of the essay being writen), i managed to push through and finish my first year with first-class honours at every module. So never give up, and find your ways to stay movtivated!
Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to share your tips on how you stay motivated during difficult times!