Industrial Organisational Psychologist: How? What? Where?

An Industrial and Occupational psychologist / I O you’ll apply psychological knowledge, theory and practice to organisational issues in the workplace, such as culture and change, as well as issues at an individual or team level.

You will focus on employee performance, behaviour, health and wellbeing and how individuals, groups and organisations function, your aim is to improve the effectiveness of the organisation and employee job satisfaction.

Your work overlaps with a range of areas including ergonomics, personnel management and time management. Collaboration is common with management, human resources officers and training and development officers, careers advisers and management consultants, business coaches, ergonomists and psychologists, trade union representatives and staff, both in teams and individually.

In a Consultancy or in house for a company

Working hours
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, occasionally longer hours.

The Median average salary for an I O is £50 k annual, however in this field slaraies vary a lot depending on: qualifications, entry level, location , public vs private and length of service and experience.


Bachelors degree in psychology 2:1 above

  • Many opt to get entry-level positions whilst studying to gain work experience.

Accredited masters in Industrial and Organisational psychology

British Psychology Society QOP Stage 2 - 2 year doctoral level qualification.

  • Employment as a trainee psychologist in an occupational psychologist job is usual

Registration as an occupational psychologist with the HCPC and accreditation as a chartered psychologist with the BPS