NATO offers six-month internships to applicants in the third year of their university studies or recent graduates of a bachelor or master’s programme. Internships apply to a broad range of expertise and skillsets, providing opportunities in areas like political affairs , defence and security , innovation , operations , communications , business support , HR , finance , science and technology. So whilst this is a great opportunity for Politics students it may also be applicable to many other subject.
NATO is one of the world’s biggest political and military alliance that promotes freedom and security, their work is increasingly important and this opportunity provides an exciting experience.
- Age : 21+
- Nationality : Any NATO country (includes the UK)
- Educational status : At least 2 years of university completed and enrolled in a third year or have obtained your highest degree less than a year prior
- Languages : Proficiency in either French or English
An additional way to gain experience working with NATO , is to contact your mission at NATO headquarters of embassy in Brussels directly for information about potential internships within the mission or embassy
- Whilst it is expensive to do an internship abroad , you will receive a monthly stipend of EUR 1,235 and you will be provided with a prepaid flight/train ticket from your place of origin at a return economy rate, and for an amount of up to EUR 1,200.
For more information about this opportunity please follow the link below : NATO - Internship Programme