Neuroplasticity, Metaplasticity, Psychedelics & Visual Impairments

This YouTube video “Neuroplasticity, Metaplasticity, Psychedelics & Visual Impairments (Amblyopia)” explores innovative approaches to inducing neuroplasticity and vision recovery, particularly in disorders like amblyopia. The speakers delve into various methods, including prolonged darkness exposure, the use of Tetrodotoxin (TTX), dichoptic therapies, and the potential use of psychedelics to reopen critical periods of plasticity in the brain. These approaches aim to leverage the brain’s plasticity to promote vision recovery while addressing the challenges posed by visual impairments.

Key Concepts:

  • Metaplasticity: The ability of plasticity rules in the brain to be influenced by past activity, which plays a crucial role in inducing neuroplasticity and vision recovery.
  • Prolonged Darkness Exposure: An experiment involving animals with permanent visual disability exposed to complete darkness for an extended period, resulting in vision recovery through metaplasticity.
  • Tetrodotoxin (TTX): A toxin used to block nerve impulse activity, showing promising results in promoting vision recovery in the amblyopic eye when used in animal studies.
  • Dichoptic Therapies: Therapies that involve using the good eye to help develop the weaker eye, yielding outcomes comparable to patching in children with amblyopia.
  • Psychedelics: The potential use of psychedelics to reopen critical periods of plasticity in the brain, although more research is needed to understand safety concerns and systemic effects.
  • Modulatory Neurotransmitters: The use of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine to promote synaptic plasticity and enhance the effectiveness of visual training exercises, particularly in adults.

How do you think the integration of innovative approaches like dichoptic therapies and the potential use of psychedelics will shape future treatments for visual impairments such as amblyopia?


This video on blew my mind! It’s amazing to see how innovative approaches like dichoptic therapies and even psychedelics could revolutionize treatments for visual impairments like amblyopia


This sounds super cool! And i feel like it can make a huge difference to vision recovery🙏

