New stem cell-based therapy could treat liver fibrosis

Professor Khuloud Al-Jamal and her team have developed a new method using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to reverse scarring caused by liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis, a leading cause of premature death in the UK, currently has limited treatment options, mainly transplantation. The study, published in Nature Nanotechnology, focuses on modifying MSCs with anti-fibrotic molecules to combat inflammation and fibrosis. The modified MSCs, coated with albumin sponge to evade immune system attacks, showed promising results in reducing inflammation, tissue scarring, and promoting liver cell regeneration in a disease model. This cost-effective and efficient approach could provide a breakthrough in treating liver fibrosis.


Exciting breakthrough in liver fibrosis treatment


A great discovery for sure

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Wow, this is incredible news! Professor Khuloud Al-Jamal’s research sounds like a game-changer for treating liver fibrosis. I’m curious about how exactly they modified the MSCs with anti-fibrotic molecules. Do you think this new stem cell-based therapy could revolutionize the treatment of liver fibrosis not only in the UK but also globally?

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