Research skills as a law student

As a law student, research is not only an imperative skill for writing your assignments, but will also serve an important role during your time as a trainee or associate. Thus, it is important to develop it as much as possible during law school, so that you can thrive when you start working in legal services. Thus, here are some steps to follow while executing research:

  1. Understand the Assignment: Before diving into research, make sure you fully understand the assignment or task. Clarify any doubts with your professor or supervisor.

  2. Identify Key Concepts and Keywords: Break down your research question into key concepts and identify relevant keywords. This will help you construct effective search queries.

  3. Use Legal Databases: Familiarize yourself with legal research databases such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law. These platforms provide access to a vast array of legal resources, including cases, statutes, regulations, and legal commentary.

  4. Start with Secondary Sources: Begin your research with secondary sources like legal encyclopedias, law review articles, and treatises. These sources often provide background information and can help you understand the broader context of your topic.

  5. Explore Primary Legal Materials: Consult primary legal materials such as statutes, regulations, and case law to find the actual text of the law. Analyze relevant court decisions and statutes to build your legal argument.

  6. Consider Jurisdiction: Pay attention to jurisdictional differences. Legal principles can vary between jurisdictions, so be sure to focus on the relevant jurisdiction for your research.

  7. Analyze and Synthesize Information: Carefully read and analyze the materials you find. Identify key arguments, holdings, and legal reasoning. Synthesize this information to build a coherent and well-supported argument.