Sports Science - Not just for athletes!

Sports Science in Everyday Life

A lot of the focus of sports science tends to be on athletic populations. However, sports science isn’t just for athletes! The principles of sports science can be applied to everyday life; from improving posture to improving your wellbeing. Here’s a little insight!

:walking_man: Improved Posture: Sports science can be applied to promoting spine health in the general population! For those who spend hours at a desk, sports science can help them avoid “office slump.” Applying simple adjustments can improve posture and reduce the strain on our body.

:weight_lifting_man: Injury Prevention: Not everyone is an athlete, but most of the general population engage in some form of activity. Sports science can inform people of how to carry out exercise safely, to reduce the risk of injuries during workouts.

:apple: Nutrition Choices: Sports science isn’t just about athletes’ diets. Nutrition information can be applied to the general population to help them make informed choices about their daily nutrition; learning how to fuel their bodies for greater energy, focus and overall health.

:sleeping: Sleep Optimization: Athletes are always looking to improve their sleep, to increase performance and recovery. However, we all need sleep! These same sleep strategies can ensure that we all have high quality sleep!

:person_in_lotus_position: Mental Well-Being: Sports psychology focuses a lot on mental training techniques. These methods can also be used to help people manage their daily stress. In turn, this can increase motivation, and build resilience.

Sports science isn’t confined to the world of athletics. It can be applied to many situations, to improve overall wellbeing!

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