Due to a lot of their work being behind closed doors, we tend to know little about what ambassadors actually get up to.
Our perceptions of what they do are normally forged from depictions of their work in film and TV so this article aims to shed light on the work they get up to.
Ambassadors have three main roles The first is the security of the UK, in terms of terrorism and so on. The second is prosperity, promoting British trade and export and helping British companies. The third is consular and protecting British citizens.
How they do this is best explained through the article :
There is no doubt that the article reveals that an ambassador’s role is diverse, it can range from lobbying at indulging in luxuries at receptions to managing the UK’s response to international crises like Sir Laurie Bristow in Afghanistan.
Speaking with the German Ambassador to the UK last week he stated ‘no day is the same’ and highlighted the difficulties of work-life balance.
However, if you are interested in becoming an ambassador why not apply to the Civil Service - Diplomatic Service fast stream scheme to embark on your journey in diplomacy.