What are the benefits of working in the public sector?

This interesting article from the Financial Times highlights some of the benefits of working in the public sector.

This is a particuraly important topic for politics students due to the range of jobs in both the private and public sector.

Politics students will often find themselves choosing over the public sector including local councils and national government and the private sector which could be political parties in a non-representative role and public policy institutions.

Many students find themselves crossing between the two sectors throughout their careers so its particularly interesting to read the benefits of the public sector , although it shouldn’t be ignored there are also many from work in the private sector.

Check it out below :
What are the benefits of working in the public sector? (ft.com)


Thank you for sharing this insightful article from the Financial Times! It’s crucial for politics students to explore the diverse opportunities in both the private and public sectors. The article highlights the importance of considering roles in local councils, national government, and political parties, offering a comprehensive view for those navigating their career paths.