What is Police : Now?

Social science , politics and social work students all have key qualities that are vital for work in the police. For example empathy , diplomacy and compassion just to name a few.

The Police : Now organisation aims to provide a pathway for university to graduates to work in the police.

They have two main programmes :

  • National Graduate Leadership Programme : With this programme you will start of as a neighbourhood police officer allowing you to engage with a community , prevent crime and build a better tomorrow. You can support communities rocked by injustice and build a diverse police service that serves all members of society. The 2-year scheme provides you the foundations to policing with skills that will allow you to progress through the ranks. With over 80% of people remaining in the police that is clearly demonstrated.

For more information about the scheme and how to apply please find information below: National Graduate Leadership Programme | Police Now neighbourhoods

  • National Degree Programme : Choosing to be a detective is a serious career choice. You will need to be focused, work under pressure and repsond quickly to analyse new information with a positive attitude.The scheme offers a competitive starting salary and benefits package compared to other graduate career choices.

For more information about the scheme and how to apply please find information below: National Detective Programme | Police Jobs | POLICE NOW

*Applications are currently closed but you can still register your interest.

If you are seeking a career in the police after university there are a whole range of different job roles , including data analytics, research , communication and family liasion teams (particularly important for those studying social work).

So it is worth contacting your local force for new opportunities.

If your looking to gain experience in the meantime why not join the special constabulary : Special constables | College of Policing