What to expect from a politics degree?

A degree in politics, often referred to as political science, offers a comprehensive understanding of political systems, behaviour, and thought. Here’s what you can generally expect from a politics degree program:

Curriculum and Coursework

Core Subjects:

  • Political Theory: Study of classical and contemporary political ideas and philosophers.
  • Comparative Politics: Examination of different political systems and governments around the world.
  • International Relations: Analysis of the relationships between countries, including topics like diplomacy, conflict, and global organizations.
  • American Politics: In-depth study of the American political system, including institutions, processes, and behaviour.
  • Public Policy: Understanding the development, implementation, and effects of public policies.

Research Methods:

  • Courses on qualitative and quantitative research methods, statistics, and data analysis.
  • Training in conducting independent research, including designing studies, collecting data, and interpreting results.

Specialized Electives:

  • Topics like political economy, environmental politics, human rights, security studies, and political philosophy.
  • Opportunities to focus on specific regions, such as Latin American politics, European politics, or Middle Eastern politics.

Skills Development

Analytical and Critical Thinking:

  • Evaluating complex political issues, theories, and data.
  • Developing reasoned arguments and critically assessing different viewpoints.


  • Enhancing written and oral communication skills through essays, research papers, presentations, and debates.
  • Learning to articulate complex ideas clearly and persuasively.

Research Proficiency:

  • Conducting comprehensive literature reviews and original research projects.
  • Utilizing statistical software and research methodologies to analyse political data


  • Applying theoretical knowledge to real-world political problems.
  • Crafting policy recommendations and strategies for political campaigns.

This sounds like such a fascinating and multifaceted degree! How did you find balancing the diverse range of topics and skills in your coursework? Do you have any tips for effectively managing the workload, especially when it comes to writing research papers and preparing for presentations?

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A great overview! When you started your politics, what was the most unexpected aspect for you? Was there something that you didn’t expect you’ll have to study/learn?

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