Where has conflict resolution been successful?

Conflict resolution success stories can be found in various contexts around the world. Here are a few notable examples:

South Africa: The transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa is often cited as one of the most successful examples of conflict resolution. Through negotiations led by leaders like Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk, the country avoided a civil war and established a democratic system that aimed to address historical injustices.

Northern Ireland: The Good Friday Agreement, signed in 1998, effectively ended decades of conflict between nationalists (predominantly Catholic) and unionists (predominantly Protestant) in Northern Ireland. The agreement established power-sharing institutions and addressed issues such as decommissioning of paramilitary weapons and policing reforms.

Colombia: After more than 50 years of armed conflict, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace agreement in 2016. While implementation has faced challenges, the agreement marked a significant step towards ending the violence and addressing the root causes of the conflict.

Rwanda: Following the 1994 genocide, Rwanda embarked on a path of reconciliation and reconstruction. Efforts such as community-based Gacaca courts, which aimed to promote justice and reconciliation at the grassroots level, have been recognized for their role in facilitating healing and social cohesion.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Dayton Agreement, signed in 1995, ended the Bosnian War and established a framework for peace in the region. While Bosnia still faces challenges related to ethnic divisions and political tensions, the agreement halted the violence and paved the way for stability.

These examples demonstrate that conflict resolution requires sustained efforts, often involving negotiation, dialogue, reconciliation, and addressing underlying grievances. While challenges persist in post-conflict societies, successful resolution processes offer valuable lessons for addressing conflicts elsewhere in the world.


I’m glad you brought up these successful examples of conflict resolution! Among these cases, which one do you find most inspiring, and why?

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I think the Rwanda case is one of the most inspiring, to be able to come back from genocide and solve grievances between two so polarised sides is very impressive… I think we can learn a lot from this !


Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Dayton Agreement, while facing ongoing challenges, brought an end to the devastating Bosnian War. These stories inspire hope and offer valuable lessons for conflict resolution worldwide! Thank you for sharing your post!


Happy to see so many successful conflict resolutions! Let’s hope that the list will continue to expand🙏