Why Butterflies Could Lose Their Spots as the World Heats Up!

New research from the University of Exeter suggests that female Meadow Brown butterflies might become less spotty due to the warming climate. Scientists found that those developing at higher temperatures had significantly fewer spots on their wings, challenging traditional views on the genetic basis of these spots. The study indicates that butterflies adapt their camouflage based on conditions, potentially making them harder to spot on dry, brown grass in warmer weather. The unexpected consequence of climate change could lead to a gradual reduction in spotting over the years.

How do you think the changing appearance of Meadow Brown butterflies, with fewer spots for camouflage in warmer weather, might impact their survival and interactions with predators and mates?

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Oh noo, not the butterflies🥲 It’s a shame to see even more of the horrible effects the global warming has on our planet

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