Why choose an internship over a masters after a degree in politics

Choosing an internship after earning a degree in politics, as opposed to pursuing a master’s degree right away, can offer several advantages depending on your career goals and circumstances. Here are some reasons why you might opt for an internship:

Practical Experience

Real-World Application: An internship provides hands-on experience in the field of politics, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Skill Development: Internships help you develop essential skills such as communication, negotiation, policy analysis, and project management.

Industry Insight: Gain insights into the day-to-day workings of political organisations, government agencies, non-profits, or think tanks.

Networking Opportunities

Professional Contacts: Build a network of contacts within the industry, which can be invaluable for future job opportunities and career advancement.

Mentorship: Benefit from mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals in your field.

Clarification of Career Goals

Career Direction: Internships can help clarify your career interests and goals by exposing you to various roles and responsibilities within the political sphere.

Informed Decision: After gaining work experience, you may have a clearer idea of whether you need a master’s degree and what specialisation might be most beneficial.

Competitive Advantage

Enhanced Resume: Relevant work experience can make your resume stand out to future employers, demonstrating that you have practical experience in addition to academic qualifications.

Job Readiness: Employers often prefer candidates with real-world experience, as it suggests they can transition smoothly into professional roles.

Financial Considerations

Earnings: Internships can provide a source of income, helping you to save money or pay off any existing student debt before investing in further education.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: By gaining work experience first, you can better assess the return on investment of a master’s degree, ensuring it aligns with your long-term career aspirations.


Diverse Opportunities: Internships can be shorter and more flexible compared to a master’s program, allowing you to explore different areas within politics and public service.

Further Education: After completing an internship, you can still choose to pursue a master’s degree, often with a clearer sense of direction and possibly even with financial support from your employer.

Improved Graduate School Applications

Stronger Applications: If you decide to pursue a master’s degree later, having internship experience can strengthen your application and make you a more attractive candidate to top programs.

Relevant Research: Your work experience can help you identify specific areas of interest or research questions you want to explore during your graduate studies.

Choosing an internship can provide you with practical experience, professional connections, and a clearer understanding of your career goals, all of which can significantly enhance your future prospects whether you later decide to pursue further education or continue working.


Given the advantages of choosing an internship after earning a degree in politics, how might real-world experience and professional networking during an internship influence your decision to pursue a master’s degree later on?


Considering the importance of networking in politics, how might someone maximize their networking opportunities during an internship in the field? What strategies could be effective for building a robust professional network?

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That is such a valuable point, internships can provide an insight into what you really want to focus on in the sphere of your degree. For example, if you did an internship relating to human rights it may encourage an interest in pursuing a masters in a similar field.


Great question !

Here’s some top tips:

  • Initiate Conversations: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to colleagues and supervisors. Be approachable and show genuine interest in their work.
  • Attend Events and Meetings: Participate in company events, team meetings, and social gatherings.
  • Ask Questions: Use opportunities to ask thoughtful questions about projects, company culture, or career paths.
  • Seek Mentorship: Identify potential mentors within the organization.
  • Offer Help: Volunteer for tasks or projects outside your immediate responsibilities.
  • Follow Up: After meetings or events, follow up with people you’ve connected with. Send a thank-you email or LinkedIn message to express your appreciation and maintain contact.

I’m curious, has anyone here decided to pursue an internship instead of jumping straight into a master’s program after finishing their degree in politics? I’ve been thinking about the potential benefits like gaining practical experience, building a professional network, and clarifying career goals before committing to more years of study. Plus, the idea of earning some money and possibly getting financial support for further education sounds appealing. What were your experiences like, and do you feel it gave you a competitive advantage in the job market? Any tips on finding the right internship in the political field?

After completing an internship, what are some effective strategies to maintain or even convert that experience into a long-term job? Any tips on staying connected or making the most of the opportunity? :blush:

For finding the correct internship in the political field, it really is about your interests ! If you want to get into journalism there are opportunities with companies like CNN and Reuters. For defence and security you could try NATO or the Civil Service. If your interested in human rights you could look for opportunities with the UN.

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Its important to research what the employers are looking for before you start the internship. Remember to be proactive, hardworking and convey your interests in the particular internship.


Thank you so much for sharing these! :slight_smile:

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