Youth Education Volunteers - The British Red Cross

The British Red Cross works with partners on community education to deliver free confidence-building workshops to young people, and are seeking help with their mission to empower communities to become more resilient.


  • Are available to help us for a minimum of 8 hours per month.
  • Can commit to helping us for a minimum of 9 months.
  • 1 day a week.
  • Driving is preferable but not essential.

Volunteering days and times could vary week-in-week.

As part of this role you will be expected to travel up to one hour to venues to deliver workshops. Workshops can take place at various times, usually between 9am and 5pm during the week. You will be required to carry learning materials or light-weight training equipment.

If you have previous experience that’s great, but you will be provided full training and support if you are passionate about this and want to get involved.

They ask that you can commit to this role and to working through the role induction. 70% of the learning will be done practically, along with some online learning modules, with a view to be independently delivering one of the workshops within 3 months of joining Community Education. The Red Cross will provide you with all training resources, and will support you by providing opportunities for observations, feedback, and training.

In addition there is an expenses policy that prioritises volunteers not being out of pocket for expenses linked to your role. If up front costs are difficult, you can speak to your volunteering manager about this to find alternatives.

The Red Cross takes an individual approach to ensuring your safety, and will also have a conversation with you to discuss any adjustments you may need.

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