5 things I wish I knew before starting University

1 . Unlike 6th form and A Levels, the University is far more independent and individualistic. It is very important that you stay on top of your assignments as University Life greatly demands excellent time management skills. On top of it all, it is essential that you find a work-life balance between your classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and personal time. I would suggest knowing your deadlines in advance and planning your workload, which is something I wish I had known earlier. It may seem like you have a lot of time for your assignments, however time does fly, and it is best you stay on top of work.

  1. Before starting University, be sure to familiarize yourself with the resources that your university provides. Many universities provide an array of resources from counseling services to financial support. If you have any questions before starting university you can also contact the university for advice or even the student union to make sure all your doubts are fulfilled and that you have all the support you need for your academic journey.

  2. As much as your academic journey is important, make sure you are taking a more balanced approach. Take advantage of your university’s career services and join as many university societies that interest you. This is an excellent opportunity to network and connect with like-minded individuals and make potential career connections. It is also important to engage in social events that interest you to expand your social and professional circle and to also just have fun.

  3. Take advantage of the resources and explore the different career choices that interest you. You’re still young and it’s okay to be confused or unsure about what you want to do. Explore different internships that interest you to help you find your passion. Additionally, you can volunteer with organizations in your field of study as a way to gain practical experience and enhance your resume.

  4. Staying organized is crucial to your academic success and ensuring that you are on top of your work. Learn your timetable and schedule your interests and other hobbies around your seminars/lectures. Familiarize yourself with a routine that works for you, making it easier to stay on top of your work and making your workload more enjoyable and manageable.

What do you wish you knew before starting university?


That i’d have to do my own research, not to mention loads of independent studies. When i saw my schedule for 1st year of uni, i was shocked how little lectures i had. Then i had to learn the hard way that all other others are dedicated for independent reading and essay writing :sweat_smile:


Yes! Point 5 in particular was and is something I struggle with. It’s crazy how much you can fall behind if you don’t stay organised.


I wish I’d grasped how quickly uni life comes to end (3/4 years fly by :frowning: )


I was very anxious before starting university. I wish I knew that it would bring me a variety of wonderful experiences and opportunities instead of stressing as much as I did.


Before starting university, I wish I had known the importance of setting realistic expectations and boundaries for myself. Understanding the balance between having an academic focus and staying social was key for me.

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I think being aware of the recourses is so important, now in my second year there are so many things I’ve realised that could have made my life easier a year ago.

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Totally agree with this!


This was so helpful! Thank you!!