A few wellness programmes to help you at university

  1. Mental Health Support:
  • Counseling Services: Provide access to confidential counselling services to address stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
  • Mental Health Workshops: Conduct workshops on stress management, mindfulness, and resilience building.
  • Peer Support Networks: Establish peer support groups or mentorship programs to encourage students to share experiences and provide emotional support.
  1. Physical Health:
  • Fitness Programs: Offer fitness classes, gym access, or outdoor activities to promote regular physical exercise.
  • Nutritional Support: Provide information on healthy eating habits and access to nutritious food options.
  • Health Screenings: Organise regular health check-ups and screenings to detect potential health issues early.
  1. Work-Life Balance:
  • Time Management Workshops: Assist students in developing effective time management skills to balance academic and personal commitments.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Encourage a flexible approach to accommodate personal needs, family obligations, and self-care.
  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation:
  • Meditation and Yoga Classes: Introduce mindfulness practices to help students relax, manage stress, and improve focus.
  • Mindfulness Apps: Recommend and provide access to mindfulness apps that students can use independently.
  1. Educational Resources:
  • Wellness Seminars: Host seminars on burnout prevention, self-care, and mental health awareness.
  • Educational Materials: Share resources on well-being, stress reduction techniques, and strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Peer-led Initiatives:
  • Wellness Committees: Establish student-led wellness committees to actively involve students in planning and organising wellness activities.
  • Peer-to-Peer Support Programs: Create programs where senior students mentor incoming students on managing the challenges of medical school.
  1. Access to Professional Support:
  • Healthcare Services: Ensure easy access to healthcare services, including preventive care, vaccinations, and specialist consultations.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP): Provide information about EAPs offering confidential counselling and support services.