Some organisations you may consider joining!

  1. Wellness and Mental Health Support Groups:
    Participate in wellness and mental health support groups to prioritise your mental well-being and connect with peers facing similar challenges.

  2. Medical Simulation Teams:
    Join medical simulation teams to practice clinical scenarios and enhance your practical skills in a controlled environment.

  3. Medical Technology Innovation Groups:
    Get involved in groups focusing on medical technology and innovation to stay informed about technological advancements in healthcare.

  4. Medical Book Clubs:
    Join book clubs focused on medical literature to explore additional perspectives and gain insights beyond the standard curriculum.

  5. Fitness and Wellness Clubs:
    Participate in fitness and wellness clubs to maintain a healthy lifestyle and connect with peers who share similar interests.

  6. Peer Tutoring Programs:
    Offer your expertise by participating in peer tutoring programs or seek support from peers in areas where you may need assistance.

Remember to balance your involvement to ensure it complements your academic responsibilities.