Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences, causing even the most confident individuals to feel a surge of anxiety. Recognizing the prevalence of this issue, an insightful “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session was recently held, featuring experts in the field of psychology and career coaching. In this article, we delve into the valuable advice and strategies shared during the session to help individuals tackle interview anxiety head-on and excel in their job search.
Hey @amberinsyed ! Great post.
I think this YouTube Short is good. Not specifically about anxiety, but I like what she says about focusing not on you but the company - what do you bring to them that makes you a great hiring proposition.
It’s important to remember that when a company interviews you, they’re looking to see if you can help them to solve their problem - they need someone with a set of skills and experience that can do this. So figuring out what they want and showing them that you have it is key to landing the position.