Can parasitic worms prevent pandemics?

In this “Immune” podcast episode, the speakers discuss a research paper suggesting that parasitic worm infections, specifically helminth infections, may protect against severe Covid-19 infections.

The researchers studied mice infected with the parasitic roundworm Nippo strongylus brasiliensis and found that these mice had a lower viral load and a higher survival rate compared to non-infected mice when exposed to SARS-CoV-2. This protective effect is believed to be due to changes in the immune system, specifically the presence of CD8 T cells in the lungs and the production of type 2 cytokines by macrophages.

Scientists are investigating the potential mechanisms behind this observation, including the concept of “virtual memory” cells, which may explain the enhanced immune response in previously parasite-infected individuals. The hosts stress the importance of long-term immune responses and the complexity of macrophages in modifying immune responses to different infections.