Can we futureproof the health and care workforce?

:star2: Join the Discussion: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Workforce :star2:

:hospital: Are you concerned about the NHS workforce crisis? :rocket: Curious about the future of healthcare in the age of technology and AI?

Look no further! Our upcoming conference, in partnership with the Health Innovation Network, is the perfect platform to explore these pressing issues and contribute to meaningful change.

  • Date and time Tue 16 Apr 2024 from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Medicine and Society

:mag: What to Expect:

  • Insights from leaders across healthcare, local government, and more
  • Discussions on workforce trends and the impact of technology
  • Opportunities to learn from global perspectives and other industries
  • Actionable steps to shape the future of healthcare workforce planning

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the solution. Register now and help shape the future of healthcare!


This conference sounds like such an important event!