Careers for your background in political economy

Political economy is a branch of political science, concerning the examination of the influence that economics and markets exert on political systems, and how these political systems influence economics and markets.

It is a varied and diverse field which opens up a range of different and exciting career opportunities. Here are some of them:

  • Energy analyst - due to the ingrained political and economic nature of energy markets, serving as an energy analyst requires in depth knowledge of economic principles, political and geopolitical influences, and international relations, to navigate the delicate landscape

  • Policy researcher and advisor - this allows you to apply both political and economical skills and knowledge to analyse the impact of policy, considering political and economical ramifications and outcomes

  • Government relations - corporate and organisation positions managing the interaction of different organisations with governments

  • International trade specialist and supply chain management - this requires knowledge of the operation of global markets, the interaction between them, and the different customs and regulations involved

  • Economic and international development officer - working in developing countries not only requires the application of economic and financial principles, it also requires a navigation of the political and geopolitical situations

  • Geopolitical risk management - this entails analysing geopolitical situations and advising on how these developments can influence operations and activities

  • Financial risk analyst - while economics would be the primary application here, the understanding of how politics influences financial markets is also essential


So many options I didn’t know about

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i had no idea half of these existed lol

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