A recent study published in Nature Communications found that adding inexpensive dietary components, inulin and FOS, can improve memory tests associated with early Alzheimer’s disease signs. Conducted at TwinsUK, the study involved 72 participants over 60 years old who took the supplements for 12 weeks while engaging in resistance exercises. Although muscle strength didn’t significantly change, the supplement group showed improved brain function, highlighting potential benefits for aging populations. Lead author Dr. Mary Ni Lochlainn emphasises the study’s implications for understanding the gut-brain axis in healthy ageing.
That’s fascinating! This study underscores the interconnectedness of our gut health and brain function, especially as we age.
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That’s fascinating! Improving brain health with a daily fibre supplement sounds promising. Have you tried incorporating such supplements into your diet, and if so, did you notice any positive effects on your cognitive function?
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