Delving into Sports Science careers in a little more detail!

We briefly mentioned the different roles in the field of Sports Science in our ‘What can I do with my degree’ post. However, you might be wondering whether there are any other certifications you might require, to specialise in your area of interest.

Here’s a quick guide to the academic qualifications and certifications you might need for different roles in this field:

  1. Sports Scientist/Performance Analyst: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Sports Science or related field. Consider ISPAS certifications.
  2. Sports Biomechanist: :running_woman: Study human movement with a degree in Sports Biomechanics. BASES certifications can be an asset.
  3. Sports Nutritionist/Dietitian: :green_apple: Become a Registered Dietitian (RD) with a degree in Nutrition or Dietetics.
  4. Sports Physiologist: :muscle: Explore Exercise Physiology with relevant certifications from organizations like BASES.
  5. Sports Psychologist: :brain: A master’s or PhD in Sports or Clinical Psychology is a good starting point.
  6. Athletic Trainer: :athletic_shoe: A bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and BOC certification is the way to go.
  7. Physical Therapist (Sports Specialty): :hospital: DPT degree and HCPC registration for physical therapists. Specialise further for sports therapy.
  8. Sports Medicine Physician: :stethoscope: Medical degree, sports medicine residency, and UK professional membership.
  9. Strength and Conditioning Coach: :man_lifting_weights: CSCS from NSCA complements your bachelor’s or master’s in Exercise Science.
  10. Sports Researcher/Academic: :books: A Ph.D. in Sports Science is key for research and academic careers.
  11. Sports Management/Administrator: :bar_chart: Aim for a degree in Sports Management or related fields for admin roles.
  12. Sports Journalist/Reporter: :newspaper_roll: Journalism or Communication degree with a sports focus leads to a career in sports reporting.

Requirements can vary, so be sure to further research the qualifications that suit your chosen Sports Science career path!