Do you know your rights?

Hi everyone

Law is a complex field and it is so vast that even lawyers may struggle with keeping track of what their rights are in certain situations. Thus, I am curious to find out how well you guys think you know your rights: as consumers, as employees and citizens in general. Even though I am a law student, I think I fall into the second category of the poll as I always need to research what rights are applicable. I truly believe that this kind if thing needs to be taught in school more from a younger age so that the jump to adult life does not feel as tough as does. But what do you think?

  • Yes, I know my rights pretty well
  • Kind of, would need a little help
  • Not quite, a bit struggling
0 voters

Could definitely use someone explaining my rights to me😂

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I find myself constantly needing to look things up to make sure I understand my rights in different situations. It’s like there’s always something new to learn, right?


I think it’s pretty situational - nobody really searches for stuff unless they need it right?


Yeahh, but i feel like this is a crucial one to know haha Especially if there’s a situation where you need to protect yourself from something, but don’t know that you can