Finding Your Way Through Feeling Lost at University

Finding Your Authentic Path

In the hustle and bustle of university life, it’s not uncommon to feel a bit lost. The pressure of figuring out your future can be overwhelming, leaving you questioning your choices and direction. But guess what? You’re not alone in this journey. Let’s dive into what it means to feel lost at uni and how you can navigate through it.

Understanding the Feeling of Being Lost

Feeling lost at university is more common than you might think. It’s like being adrift in a sea of possibilities, unsure of which way to paddle. We academics haven’t fully grasped the causes behind this feeling, but it’s essential to acknowledge both its challenges and opportunities.

Paralyzed by Indecision: The Perfectionism Trap

One of the main reasons students feel lost is because they’re paralyzed by indecision. They fear making the wrong choice, so they end up stuck in a cycle of overthinking. Perfectionism rears its head, whispering, “If you can’t be perfect, why bother?” But remember, it’s okay to not have all the answers right now.

Navigating a Sea of Options

The abundance of options can also leave students feeling adrift. It’s like standing in front of a buffet with too many choices and not knowing where to start. The fear of wasting time and money adds to the pressure, making it difficult to commit to a path.

The Illusion of Having It All Figured Out

Thanks to social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your journey to others’. Apps like Instagram and TikTok paint a picture-perfect image of success, making us feel like we should have our lives together by our twenties. But the truth is, most people are still figuring it out, regardless of their age.

Embracing the Journey: Finding Your Way

So, what’s the solution to feeling lost at uni? It starts with acceptance. Embrace the uncertainty and trust that you’re on the right path, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Be flexible, explore your options, and remember that it’s okay to take your time. Your twenties are a time for growth and exploration, so don’t rush the process. Remind yourself that it’s okay to feel lost at times; this can be a blessing, indicating openness to new opportunities.

How to Start Finding Yourself

Take a Break for Self-care: During particularly anxious periods, prioritize self-care. Engage in activities like meditation, exercise, spending time with friends, or pursuing hobbies. Taking breaks allows space for new thoughts and clarity of mind.

Change the POV: Reflect on what has inspired your choices and without judgment examine your values and desires. Drop others’ criticisms and expectations, as well as your self-judgment about your capabilities. Sometimes we are confined by invisible, insignificant barriers we created for ourselves a while ago.

Break Patterns and Seek Inspiration: Identify and break free from repetitive patterns that may be holding you back. Seek inspiration from various sources such as movies, TED talks, or traveling to new places. Embrace new experiences and perspectives.

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • What did I want to do as a child? Recall your childhood aspirations before “real-world limitations” influenced your choices.
  • What am I curious about? You might not be sure about your passion yet; however, tapping into your curiosities is a great way to learn more about yourself.
  • Who do I admire and why? Reflect on individuals you admire and the qualities that inspire you. Consider what attributes you can incorporate into your own life.
  • In which ways have I been settling in life? Recognize areas where you are not daring to reach higher.

Understand that self-discovery is a journey with its ups and downs. Embrace the process, knowing that everything will eventually fall into place. Each person has their unique timeline and experiences, adding richness to life’s journey.

“It is normal to feel lost; after all, you have never been this version of you before.”


There’s so much good advice here, @amayazcg.

I think the perfectionism trap is something that many people will identify with, but the old advice about “better do something than do nothing” is very true here.

The other thing is about the need to embrace change and uncertainty - great video about this here, made by a young American guy (only 5 minutes - well worth a watch)


Embracing the journey and taking it one step at a time seems like the way to go!!


So powerful. We are always evolving and it’s okay to not have everything figured out.


I feel like understanding of the problem is so crucial for its resolution. Asking questions like ‘Why do I feel this?’, ‘What can I do to make myself feel better?’, ‘Am i happy in where I’m heading in terms of my career?’ can do a massive difference. Having such doubts is completely normal, and i think we all go through those at some point in our lives

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this topic really resonates with me! I’ve definitely had moments in university where I felt completely lost and unsure of what direction to take. It’s reassuring to know that it’s a common experience, but also kinda scary. I love the idea of embracing uncertainty and taking the time to explore different paths.

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Great post! I wish I could have seen this in the first semester of my first year haha!

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