How can you show that you are enthusiastic about a job?

You see the job of your dreams on LinkedIn. However, how can you show that it is the job of your dreams to company that you are applying to? Showing enthusiasm in a job application is crucial because it demonstrates to employers that you are genuinely interested in the position and the company. Here are several strategies to effectively convey your enthusiasm:

1. Tailor Your Application

  • Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter: Highlight the most relevant experiences and skills that match the job description. Use specific examples to show how your background aligns with the role.
  • Mention the Company by Name: In your cover letter, explicitly state why you are excited about the prospect of working at that specific company. Mention any unique aspects of the company that you admire.

2. Express Passion in Your Language

  • Use Positive and Active Language: Use words that convey enthusiasm and positivity, such as “excited,” “thrilled,” “eager,” and “passionate.”
  • Show Genuine Interest: Explain what excites you about the job responsibilities and how they align with your career goals. Describe how the position fits into your passion and professional aspirations.

3. Research the Company

  • Demonstrate Knowledge: Show that you have researched the company by mentioning recent projects, news, or achievements that impressed you. This shows you are truly interested and have taken the time to learn about them.
  • Align with Company Values: Highlight how your personal values and career goals align with the company’s mission and values.

4. Describe Relevant Experiences

  • Share Specific Examples: Provide examples of past experiences where you demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment. Describe situations where you went above and beyond because of your passion for the work.
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Use metrics to highlight your accomplishments. For instance, “I successfully led a team of 10 on a project that increased sales by 20%.”

5. Show Long-Term Interest

  • Discuss Future Contributions: Talk about how you envision contributing to the company in the long term. Mention any specific goals you have that align with the company’s objectives.
  • Career Growth: Explain how this position fits into your long-term career plan and why it’s a critical step for you.

6. Use a Professional but Engaging Tone

  • Balance Formality with Personality: While maintaining professionalism, let your personality come through in your writing. This makes your application more engaging and relatable.
  • Avoid Generic Statements: Customize each application to avoid sounding generic or cookie-cutter. Personalize your statements to reflect your unique experiences and enthusiasm for the specific role and company.

7. Follow Application Instructions Carefully

  • Attention to Detail: Show your enthusiasm by carefully following all application instructions. This demonstrates that you are serious about the application and willing to invest the time to get it right.


These are such important tips. I definitely think it is always worth to do research to ensure that you know about the company and job role.


Those tips are super helpful! I especially like the idea of aligning my personal values with the company’s mission. I’m curious, though, when it comes to customizing a resume and cover letter, how do you find the balance between showcasing your skills and not sounding too repetitive? Like, how do you keep it fresh and engaging for each application?


I guess that you need to somehow relate your skills to what the actual job needs you to do. How can you apply your skills and how do they fit to the role?


When applying for a job you’re truly passionate about, how do you go about customizing your resume and cover letter to highlight your excitement and fit for the role? Can you maybe share an example of how you’ve researched a company and used that information to tailor your application, demonstrating your genuine interest and alignment with the company’s values?


What I usually do is relate my volunteering work to what a firm does. For example, I did a lot of pro bono which is popular with law firms, si I researched their initiatives and pretty much said that I did something similar, so my motivation aligns with the firrm’s. Sounds good, right?