How much water should you drink a day?

Our modern obsession with drinking water may be misguided, as experts suggest that carrying reusable water bottles everywhere could lead us to overhydrate. In the early 19th century, drinking water was seen as a last resort, but today, adults in the UK and the US consume more water than ever before. This surge in water consumption is fueled by messages promoting its health benefits, such as improved energy, better skin, weight loss, and disease prevention. However, these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, and official guidelines do not recommend consuming as much water as popularly believed.

The “8x8 rule,” suggesting eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, lacks scientific backing. Instead, experts advise personalizing water intake based on individual factors like activity level and climate. While water is essential for bodily functions, the body has sophisticated mechanisms to regulate hydration levels. Thirst, for example, is a reliable indicator of dehydration, contrary to the misconception that thirst signals severe dehydration. Additionally, other beverages like tea, coffee, and even alcoholic drinks contribute to hydration.

While mild dehydration can affect mood and energy levels, there is little evidence to support claims that drinking excess water offers significant health benefits. Overhydration, on the other hand, can lead to hyponatremia, a dangerous condition caused by low blood sodium levels. Several cases of overhydration-related deaths among athletes highlight the potential risks of excessive fluid intake. Ultimately, the idea of constantly staying hydrated may lead to unnecessary water consumption, as the body’s natural thirst mechanism is a reliable guide for maintaining adequate hydration levels.


Honestly, i dontknow what would i do without water. So lucky to actually like it, cause many people just aren’t fans of it😅 Or find it boring, if you know what i mean

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Thank you for sharing your perspective on the modern obsession with drinking water. It’s interesting to consider the historical shift in attitudes towards hydration. Personalizing water intake based on factors like activity level and climate, as experts suggest, seems like a sensible approach. Ultimately, listening to our body’s natural thirst cues and avoiding overhydration is key to maintaining optimal health :smile:


Wow, I never realised there was so much to consider about how much water we should drink! Do you think our habits around carrying water bottles everywhere might be influenced more by trends and marketing than by actual scientific guidelines? lol

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I definitely need to drink more water :sweat_smile:

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