Is it better to eat several small meals or fewer larger ones?

The traditional idea of three large meals a day is being challenged by the suggestion of smaller, more frequent meals for health benefits. Advocates claim this pattern improves satiety, metabolism, energy levels, and prevents overeating. While some studies suggest benefits such as improved blood lipid levels and reduced heart disease risk, conflicting research questions the advantages. The impact on weight loss is inconclusive, with some studies indicating increased hunger in those consuming frequent meals.

Have you personally experienced any differences in satiety, energy levels, or weight management based on your meal frequency?


I’ve always preferred eating smaller portions but throughout the day. It just gives me an opportunity to eat a lot of different kinds of food, as well as allows me to remain light and never bloated😊

I prefer to have bigger size portions in my meals and have a small snack throughout the day. I like to let my stomach rest for some hours. I maintain my weight that way

I keep snacking and eating throughout the day so… :smiley:

I snack a lot but I think as humans we should be eating big, healthy, balanced meals a few times a day. The breakfast, lunch and dinner model is designed with this in mind although I don’t really eat breakfast (it is not the most important). This goes back to the days we were hunter gatherers when we would eat when we could, there was no snacking.