How should you take breaks while studying?

As students, we may find ourselves studying for hours and hours, days and nights even. Thus, taking breaks is crucial to ensure that you are not burned out and that you can keep going. And no, coffee is not always the answer! Here are some tips that may help you to properly take breaks:

  1. Set Your Boundaries:
  • Like tequila, all-you-can-eat buffets, and Vegas, the most important aspect of study breaks is knowing when to stop.
  • Before you start your break, decide how long it will be and set a timer. The length of your break should depend on how long you’ve been working.
  • For example, if you’re using the Pomodoro technique, take a 5-minute break every 25 minutes. If you’ve been studying intensely for a couple of hours, a 20-30 minute break might be more suitable.
  • Use an alarm to signal the end of your break. Avoid letting a short break turn into an hour of procrastination.
  1. Exercise:
  • Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to recharge your mind and body during a break.
  • Take a brisk walk, do some stretching exercises, or even a quick workout. Exercise helps improve concentration and overall well-being.
  1. Change Your Environment:
  • Sometimes, a change of scenery can do wonders. Step outside, get some fresh air, or move to a different room.
  • If you’ve been sitting, consider standing up or finding a comfortable spot to study.
  1. Mindful Activities:
  • Engage in mindful activities that give your brain a break. These can include:
    • Meditation: Practice mindfulness or deep breathing exercises.
    • Creative Breaks: Draw, write, or solve puzzles.
    • Listen to Music: Choose calming or instrumental music.
    • Play a Quick Game: Solve a puzzle, play a simple game, or do a crossword.
  1. Avoid Electronic Notifications:
  • Turn off notifications on your devices during study breaks.
  • Distractions can disrupt your focus, so create a distraction-free environment.
  1. Little and Often:
  • Frequent, shorter breaks are more effective than infrequent, long breaks.
  • Aim for 10-15 minute breaks every 20-30 minutes of focused study.
  1. Return to Studying and Refocus:
  • After your break, get back to studying promptly.
  • Use the break to recharge, but don’t lose momentum.


This is super helpful! I totally get the importance of taking breaks while studying. what’s your favourite way to recharge during those short breaks?


These tips are super helpful for making the most of your downtime and keeping your energy up. I love the idea of setting boundaries and using mindful activities to recharge. Definitely gonna try some of these next study session


Although it is very unhealthy, I charge my batteries by going out for a cigarette :sweat_smile:. It is a bad habit but it at least helps me detach myself from what I am studying and also keep me away from my compulsion to lose myself in social media really :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Setting boundaries has really helped me so much - you should really start trying it as soon as possible!!


Taking breaks while studying or even working is a must! People rarely realise that constant work only slows down the process, so quntity over quality for sure. Plus, this way you avoid burnouts and deveof hatred towards your studies/work! Sounds like a win to me​:pray::sweat_smile: