Israeli-Iranian tensions escalate

At least five people have been killed in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria’s capital, Damascus, Iran’s ambassador says.

Senior Revolutionary Guards commander Brig-Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi was among the dead, according Iranian state TV.

Iran and Syria’s foreign ministers condemned the attack, which destroyed the multi-storey building next to the Iranian embassy in the Mezzeh district.

The Israeli military said it did not comment on foreign media reports.

However, it has acknowledged carrying out hundreds of strikes in recent years on targets in Syria that it says are linked to Iran and allied armed groups which are armed, funded and trained by the Revolutionary Guards.

The Syrian defence ministry said Israeli aircraft targeted the consulate building from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights at about 17:00 local time (14:00 GMT) on Monday.

Photos and videos from the scene showed smoke and dust rising from the remains of the collapsed building, and emergency services at the scene. The Iranian embassy next door did not appear to have sustained any significant damage.

Iranian state TV reported the death of Brig-Gen Zahedi, whom it identified as a senior commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ overseas operations arm, the Quds Force.

Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported that the 63-year-old served as the senior commander of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon.

Zahedi’s aide, Mohammad Hadi Haji-Rahimi, was also killed in the strike, according to Tasnim.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of sources on the ground in Syria, reported that eight people were killed - a high-ranking leader of the Quds Force, two Iranian advisers and five members of the Revolutionary Guards.

A White House spokeswoman said US President Joe Biden was aware of the reports and that his “team is looking into it”.

The Syrian defence ministry said air defences shot down some of the missiles they launched, but others made it through and “destroyed the entire building, killing and injuring everyone inside”, the ministry added.

The ministry said work was under way to recover the bodies and rescue the wounded from beneath the rubble, without saying how many casualties there were or naming any of them.

Syria’s Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said he strongly condemned what he called “this heinous terrorist attack”, adding that it had killed “a number of innocent people”.

In a telephone conversation with Mr Mekdad, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian described the strike as “a violation of all international obligations and conventions” and “blamed the consequences of this action on the Zionist regime”, the Iranian foreign ministry said.

He also “stressed the need for a serious response by the international community”.

This attack followed suspected Israeli strikes on Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo last week, which the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said killed 53 people, including 38 Syrian soldiers and seven members of the Iran-backed Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

Israel has carried out strikes since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip in October, in response to cross-border rocket, mortar and drone attacks on northern Israel by Iran-backed fighters in Lebanon and Syria.


This is extremely concerning. I hope they will be able to find a way to de-escalate this situation


Oh wow, this is really intense news. It’s heartbreaking to hear about the casualties resulting from the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus. With tensions escalating in the region, how do you think this incident might impact the already strained relations between Israel, Iran, and Syria? It seems like such a complex situation.


I never would have thought that Israel would strike an official government building, usually when they conduct strikes on specific targets it’s on convoys or homes but not government buildings, this doesn’t make sense to me


This cycle of violence is heartbreaking. it’s devastating to see innocent lives lost in these attacks.


It will certainly place added pressure on Israel to scale back their behaviour, I also think it will pressure countries in the Middle East like Qatar, UAE, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to get involved and work towards peace in the Middle East.