Making friends at university

Making friends can be daunting in general, but it can feel more overwhelming at university. So here are a few tips to make the process easier.

Join societies and clubs - whether it’s a hobby you’ve enjoyed for years or something completely new, there’s plenty to participate in at university. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people. A lot of societies will have regular meetings or events taking place which is perfect for keeping in touch with the people you meet.

Talk to people on your course - it might seem awkward, but sit next to people in lectures, even if you don’t know them that well, it’s easier to start a conversation that way. Group projects are also a good way to find out more about the people you’re studying with. You can even form study groups of your own, which will be so useful when exam stress comes around.

Talk to your flatmates - if you’re living in accommodation, these are people you’ll usually be seeing daily, why not ask to grab some food together or simply ask how they’re doing.

Remember to make time for yourself - social interactions can be draining, especially when you don’t feel like they’re going as well as you want them to be. Make sure to put in some well-deserved me-time to keep up with self-care.

Some general advice.

Quality over quantity - there’s nothing wrong with having only a few good friends at uni who support you.

People aren’t as scary as you might think they are - it’s easy to feel like they’ll judge every word you say or shut you down when you try to connect with them, but chances are that they’re thinking the same thing. A little bravery can go a long way.

Be open to new people - even the smallest, most boring interactions have the potential to be something more. Be curious about the people you encounter.

Give yourself time - meaningful friendships can take time to develop. You never know who you’ll bump into again. Don’t give up.

Not everyone will like you - and that’s okay. You may not like everyone either. So when you don’t instantly click with one person, it doesn’t mean you won’t click with anyone.

Contact the university’s counselling/support services if you feel like making friends and loneliness are becoming too difficult for you to handle - there’s nothing wrong with reaching out and asking for help.

It can be so overwhelming to be surrounded by people you don’t really know. But remember, even your best friends were strangers to you once. Good luck.


What an insightful post! Making friends at university can indeed be intimidating, but your tips offer valuable guidance for navigating this journey. Emphasizing quality over quantity in friendships is a wise perspective. True connections are more fulfilling than superficial acquaintanceships :smile:


Yes!! joining societies is super important! I always recommend it! But remember to take some time for yourself too, and don’t stress too much about making friends instantly.


I think it so important to talk about the differences in the expectations of making friends at uni and real life, i suppose in a way it’s been better or worse in diff ways, but deff not what I expected.


I think that making friends at university can be quite challenging. Many young people come to university with expectations heightened after seeing all the movies/tv series about university life. These are great tips when it comes to making friends! And i agree that it’s crucial to remember that not everyone is going to like you. Doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you. You just may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but remain amazing and fun as you are still :grin:


Societies have always worked best for me


such a helpful post, especially for first years. I remember being so daunted by the prospect of meeting so many new people, but you quickly find your kind of people and in my case anyway, they’re the people I’ve tended to stick with ever since. However, I was on placement last year so most of my friends graduated last year so I had to go through the whole making friends process again with people on my degree - which has actually been fun. So I guess another tip is don’t rule out making new friends even in your final year!!!


That is so useful! I would say the most effective way of making friends at university is by joining societies! And actually going out there confidently and trying to make conversations! What is the worst that can happen, right? (perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed but that is perfectly normal!


Definitely! I have met some of my bestest friends through societies.


These tips are super helpful! I’m definitely planning to join a few societies and clubs. Do you have any suggestions for how to keep up the momentum in making new friends throughout the semester? Sometimes I worry about starting strong but then losing touch as things get busy.

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