New government, new opportunities!

A new government often brings new opportunities for students

With a high turnover of MPs, it is likely to mean that you have a new MP.

Whilst it may take a few weeks for them to get their office set-up, it is highly likely they will be looking for interns and students to support the running of their office. Whether this is in their constituency or Westminster.

As many people with have totally new MPs its a great way to build new relationships with them and network with your local party network.

You may not align politically with your local MP but it still provides great experience nevertheless. Furthermore, it may be that you have another MP nearby who is closer to your political allegiance.

The summer is a great time for political students to reach out and gain experience and there is no better time than after an election where MPs are full of energy and want to create some change.

So it may be a good idea if your interested to reach out in the next few weeks.

Best of luck !


That’s so true, new governments do bring a lot of opportunities! It sounds like a fantastic time to get involved and gain some hands-on experience. Do you have any tips for making a strong impression when reaching out to a new MP or applying for an internship in their office?


The best way to make a strong impression is to demonstrate an interest in politics and with the vision of the MP. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through !

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