Going Up
Teachers witnessing a rise in pupil
anxiety around:- mental health and wellbeing (now 61%, was 41%)
- rising cost of living (now 36%, was 16%)
- social injustices (now 18%, was 11%).
71% of teachers who think that the current education system is NOT developing tolerant, sustainably minded citizens of the future (was 61%).
63% of teachers anticipate Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND) support as being a barrier to pupil learning over the next 6 months (was 57%).
64% of school leaders expect budget pressures to be a challenge to manage over the next 12 months (was 54%).
48% of school leaders expect teacher recruitment and
retention to be a challenge to manage over the next 12 months (was 40%). -
46% of school leaders expect supporting students with SEND to be a challenge to manage over the next 12 months (was 32%).
11% of schools are offering no interventions to support pupils with the issues facing them (was 5%).
Going Down
Teachers witnessing a rise in pupil anxiety around:
- global conflict (now 17%, was 61%)
- climate change/environmental issues (now 15%, was 25%)
- Covid-19 (now 11%, was 51%)
- political decisions (now 9%, was 12%).
12% of teachers are dedicating time to exploring global affairs with students (was 42%).
27% of schools have increased working with parents to support pupils with issues they face (was 43%).
36% of schools are providing staff training on early
mental health indicators / safeguarding concerns
(was 47%). -
44% of schools are providing pupil counselling (was 54%).