Places to Search for History Jobs and Internships ⏳

It’s always a good idea to collect a range of resources for places to apply for jobs and internships to maximize the amount of employers you can get your CV out to! The links below are some places history students can apply with their degree:


Directory of finance jobs along with news and advice articles.

General directory of consultancy jobs and internships in the UK


Any civil service job can be accessed through this directory.

This program allows people to work under MPs to gain experience in the political sphere.

Directory of local government jobs.


The National Trust aims to protect land and heritage for prosperity and offers a wide range of field to office jobs that work towards this goal.

The National Archives have traditional record keeping jobs but also office and marketing jobs as well as student placements.

Jobs from the Group for Education in Museums which hosts a wide variety of jobs across museums and heritage sites.

  • Check the websites of local museums, heritage sites, and estates

These job opportunities are usually more suited for people with entry level experience.

If you have any other links you find useful, please share and reply with them below! :smile: :hourglass_flowing_sand:


I didn’t even realise there were so many options for history grads outside of the typical teaching or museum routes.


Thank you for sharing all these useful information!

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