Protect children from crime gangs, expert urges

  • Prof Alexis Jay warns of the significant risk of children being groomed into crime by organized gangs.
  • She emphasizes the lack of a national plan to address this crisis and calls for new legislation.
  • Techniques similar to those used by grooming gangs for sexual exploitation are being employed to involve children in criminal activities.
  • Vulnerable children, particularly those from poor backgrounds or with mental health issues, are targeted and rewarded for their involvement.
  • Criminal activities include drug dealing, weapon handling, street robberies, burglaries, and theft.
  • Prof Jay advocates for a national strategy and the creation of a new offense for child criminal exploitation.
  • The Home Office pledges up to £5m to support victims, including helplines and specialist services.
  • Scotland implements schemes to divert children from exploitation, with a focus on collaboration with various agencies.
  • Youth workers, including former criminals, are employed by Action for Children to assist victims of gangs.
  • Testimonials from individuals like Joe and his mother highlight the devastating impact of gang exploitation on families.
  • Early intervention is crucial in preventing children from getting involved in criminal activities.
  • Action for Children’s projects in Scotland, Wales, and the north-east of England have been instrumental in helping children escape gang influence.

This is such an important issue that needs urgent attention! It’s heartbreaking to see kids being lured into crime, and we definitely need a national plan to tackle this crisis