Smart Skin Bacteria Engineered to Combat Acne

Discover the groundbreaking research led by the Translational Synthetic Biology Laboratory at Pompeu Fabra University, unveiling a game-changing approach to treating acne. Scientists have ingeniously engineered Cutibacterium acnes, a type of skin bacterium, to secrete a therapeutic molecule that regulates sebum production. This innovation presents a potential acne solution without disrupting the skin’s microbiome. The study marks a pivotal moment in skincare, offering hope for effective and targeted treatments using living therapeutics.

Could smart skin bacteria be the future of skincare? Imagine a world where acne treatment is precisely tailored without harming your skin’s natural balance. :sparkles:


Wow!!! As someone who has suffered from acne this is amazing news!

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Great news for teenagers I guess!

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Oh wow, it sounds so impressive! I wish it would happen a bit sooner when i was a teenager myself :sweat_smile:

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Tailoring acne treatment without harming skin’s balance is amazing and innovative research

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ikr :sob: :sob: