Trending Topic Tuesday! Discussion: BIA for estimating body composition

Hopefully you read the article linked in our last post… if not, read here!
Measurement of skeletal muscle mass using the bioelectrical impedance technic in athletes | ScienceDaily

But what does this mean?

:open_book: The Basics: BIA is a non-invasive and rapid method of estimating body composition, based on the flow of electrical current in the body.

:weight_lifting_woman: Targeting Athletes: Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have looked at how well BIA is at assessing skeletal muscle mass in athletes and active men, since they have unique muscle quality and composition compared to the general adult population (for whom the BMI scale was created!)

:bar_chart: The Results: Researchers found a strong correlation between skeletal muscle mass and BIA indices, This means that there is an opportunity for more precise assessments of muscle mass in athletes, which is crucial for their training and nutrition plans.

:droplet: Intracellular Water Levels: BIA was also effective in estimating intracellular water levels; again promoting more accurate body composition evaluations.

:crystal_ball: Future Implications: Researchers are already looking ahead at even more precise estimation formulas! They want to further improve the effectiveness of training and nutrition interventions for athletes.

Feel free to discuss and share your thoughts on the potential impact of BIA on the sports science and fitness world!


this is great, who would have thought we could get so much information off of the flow of electrical current in the body?

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