Useful apps for organising university work

I have been at university for almost two years now and have found several ways to organise my university notes and workload so figured this was a great place to share them!

  • Notion: a free productivity and note-taking web app. It can be used for tasks such as note-taking, project management, task tracking, knowledge management, and more. I personally love Notion as it allows users to customise their workspace and allows for easier organisation. I originally tried to use Word to take my university notes and store them however, over time it became very hard to organise them and differentiate between them without the folders that Notion has.

  • Countdown timer plus: an app that displays your countdowns on your computer/laptop desktop. I found this in my second year and find this very useful as keeping track of all of my assignments in first year was difficult and I would only remember they existed a few days before their due date, which was very stressful. This app counts the days down for you and you can change their colours! They are also completely customisable.

  • Arc: a free web browser that allows for easier organisation and is completely customisable. I use it alongside Safari and Google but it is a great browser for organising tabs you frequently use and it is very similar to Notion in the sense of how it has ‘spaces’, where you can keep your personal and university/work information separate.

  • Quizlet: an online learning platform great for studying and revision! This is a well-known app but not many of my friends or people I know use it. It has features such as flashcards, quizzes, games, and study modes, which are great for studying and especially exams. I recently had a multiple choice exam coming up and Quizlet was perfect for it,

These are just a few but if anyone has any other helpful apps or websites please comment below!


Such useful apps to use. I personally love using Notion to organise my life. I never even thought about using a separate web browser to organise frequently used tabs so thanks for the tip.


Glad you found this post helpful! If you need any help with using Arc I am happy to help :slight_smile:

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i LOVE notion. i checked it out about 5 years and never looked back lol

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Have used notion quite a lot, as it’s trully amazing! But Arc sounds great for me too, as i always have a lot of tabs open with sources for my essays

I use notion all the time, its so good !

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had never heard of notion!! definitely looks like I need to check it out (shame I’m only just finding out when I only have a couple months left of uni!!)

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notion is so good !! i love their drop down lists

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i have heard quite a bit about notion, i might try these out

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I love Quizlet so good for testing myself, however i did not even kewn stuff like notion was so useful when writing essays, I’m gonna start using it as my battery alwsya dies nd my laptop slows down when I have so many tabs open

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I’ve seen people use notion so well